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VEGANista: What is This?

Veganista: "Living in the ways of a Conscious, Compassionate, Sustainably Fashionable, Healthy, Self-Loving b*tch"

- Theresa C.

That there plate of food looks good right? What about this one?

Hol' up, hol' up, what about this one?

I'm trying to avoid being one of those people who would right about now say something like: "Well would you believe it that all of this is vegan?".

Oh, well. I'm being that person. But I'm not just here to introduce you to the wonderful world of plant-based eating (maybe a detox tea or two). We should all know by this point in the new millennium that vegan eating (done right) is more than a damn carrot stick and some sad wet lettuce.

I'm talking about plant-based LIVING.

This is about being a Veganista. It's like being trendy and well established in ethical, natural beauty know-how, from the inside out; living like a tree-hugging hippy; but wearing some really nice shoes and designer lingerie. I never took a class for this. No extra courses, I have no credentials, or certifications, but you can bet I'm going to school your ass on this. Trial and error, testing and retesting and refining my lifestyle to the point where I feel confident enough sharing what I know.

As this is my first post for this segment I'm going to give you a quick run-down on what's to come. Because you can literally go anywhere nowadays and find endless vegan recipes, I'll be covering the surface stuff. You know, the stuff that literally goes on the surface: Hair care and Skin care. I won't be focusing on any make-up here (there's too much of that already)...and...

Contrary to the typical image of how being a model can force you to conform to a particular image; Modeling has made me more in love with my true self than ever before. Now more than ever, I embrace all that I'm made of and what I look like. Hell, it's partly how I make my living so I better f*cking take care of it.

It is here that I will be sharing with you my favorite, full-blown, certified vegan/plant derived, natural Body-care products that I actually use on a daily basis. They are affordable, simple, and will enhance and revive what you already have so well, you'll wonder why you were ever so dissatisfied.

Seriously, these beauty routines have changed my life.

It's time to love what we have in the purest and healthiest way! Veganistas don't compare themselves or beat themselves up for what they think they lack. It's about making what you have into the best version of itself.

I'm so excited to share my passion for natural beauty with you! And with summer finally here, I'd like us all to glow so hard that the sun just wants to say, "f*ck it". So, till next time...

Kisses and Sea Breeze,

Theresa (Tessa)

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